The Orange County Chapter of The
      International Electronics Packaging Society
           Flex Circuits, a Panel Disscussion

Tuesday, 11 June 1996             AeroJet Electronic Systems 
              5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.  1100 Hollyvale
                                     Azusa, Calif, 
Cost:  $10

The technical program runs from 6:45 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.

    The need to package electronics in ever smaller volumes        
is becoming more important for today's designers.  The use of      
flex circuitry provides a significant reduction in system size     
and weight.  In some cases sufficent reduction can be accomplished 
using flex circuits with conventional technology (thru hole).      
In higher packaging density situations, flex circuity coupled with 
the use of ASICS, SMT, chip on board et al, has led the boom in    
many consumer electronic products.                                 

Panelists include:
    Jerry Price, Senior Engineer, AeroJet 
        - Cryogenic flex designs (10K)
    Bill Gaines, Senior Engineer, AeroJet 
        - Design for Space Environments/large interconnect
    Dan Dove, Senior Engineer, Basic Electronics    
        - Fabrication and Assembly/print to assembly, design seminars
    Murray Chalmers, Pioneer Circuits
        - Fabrication and Assembly/ military and commercial applications. 

Please RSVP by Monday 10 June. Aerojet security requires a list prior
to the meeting.  Non-US Citizens must provide Passport #
Voice RSVP to: IEPS OC/LA Chapter Voice Mail: (714) 665-6625

E-mail RSVP may be directed to [log in to unmask] 
(Bill Gaines, OC-LA IEPS chapter board member)

Please direct e-mail questions about the IEPS OC/LA Chapter to:
Bill Gaines, <[log in to unmask]> (818) 812-2199

Information about the IEPS may be obtained via e-mail at             