Lots of info at the following website: 
 http://www.mitron.com/smema/smema.html  or you can call or write
Surface Mount Equipment Manufacturers Association. 1795 Lake Cook Road, 
Suite 205,      Highland Park, IL 60035 Tel.: (708) 831-1002 Faxl.: (708) 

Jim Ennis
[log in to unmask]
From: TechNet-request
To: TechNet
Subject: ASSY.
Date: Tuesday, May 28, 1996 8:25AM

 Where can i find a description of the SMEMA standards?

I am especially interested in the communication protocol for automated
assembly lines.

Thanks to him/her who e-mails me (or TechNet) the information !

 Ivo de Rooij                         Manufacturing Process Engineer SMT/THT

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 Fokker Elmo BV (Fokker Aviation)                         [log in to unmask]
 Electr(on)ic Systems                    Civil, Military, Aircraft and Space
