Reply to:   RE>ASSY: (Mac?) Gerber Viewing Software

Yes Dwight, there is a Santa Claus !

Douglas Electronics (San Leandro, Ca.)  has a complete line of MAC PCB design
and Gerber software packages, including Schematic Capture, Autorouting,
Circuit Layout, GerberIn (Gerber-to-Layout utility), GerberOut
(Layout-to-Gerber file) and Gerber Viewer.  I have used these packages since
their creation and am happy with the software, technical support and the
resultant PC boards they make from the MAC-generated designs.

Douglas Electronics
2777 ALvarado St.
San Leandro, CA. 94577
(510) 483-8770

Att'n:  John Pennebaker

Bill Fabry
Truevision, Inc.

Date: 5/22/96 2:07 PM
To: Bill Fabry
From: Dwight Mattix
anything for Mac's out there?

they wouldn't give us _computers_.
got stuck w/ mac's instead. :^)  (Flame suit on)

can view on our network in terminal emulator mode but not the slickest
setup and requires additional site/seat licenses (gets real spendy).

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To: Charles Barker/IO-US <[log in to unmask]>,
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From: Dwight Mattix<[log in to unmask]> (Dwight Mattix)
Subject: ASSY: (Mac?) Gerber Viewing Software
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