Mail*Link(r) SMTP               FWD>FAB: Fwd: Printed Circuit Board Lamination

Marc and Dean

There is a good use to reuse printed board base material.  Good quality stuff
is ground up and used as a filler by the molded plastics industry.  If you
want, I can check and find out some more particulars, or perhaps Chris Rhodes
(the environmental guy) at IPC headquarters might have some better info.

Ralph Hersey
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Date: 5/22/96 12:54 PM
From: Dean R. Cornstubble
I am not sure if any of you can address this issue, but TechNet seemed
to be a good place for forwarding this message.

Date: Tue, 21 May 96 16:39:43 EDT  
From: List Manager 2
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Printed Circuit Board Lamination Process

Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 15:00:40 -0700 (PDT) 
From: Marc Siegel <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Printed Circuit Board Lamination Process
A Printed Circuit Board company is looking for ways of eliminating, 
recycling  or at least reducing two wastes generated during the lamination 
process.  They are looking for a use for the edge trim which is generated 
during the process.  About 2 million pounds of edge trim are generated at 
their facilities worldwide each year.  The composition of the edge trim (in 
weight %) is:
Continuous Filament Fiber Glass          40-70% 
Epoxy Resin                              30-60%
DMF  (Dimethyl Formamide)                0.0015%  (1500 mg/g)
They are also looking for ways of eliminating, regenerating, or recycling 
the resin mixture left at the end of the process.  This resin solution 
contains a glycidyl ether of brominated bisphenol A, acetone, epoxy resin,
dimethyl formamide, phenyl glycidyl ether, amyl alcohol, and epichlorohydrin.
Thank you,

Dr. Marc H. Siegel
Project Coordinator, E-LYNX (US EPA ETI Program) 
Engineering Process & Information Consulting 
12397 Picrus Street
San Diego, CA 92129-4113
Phone:  619-484-9855
Fax:    619-484-9856
E-mail: [log in to unmask]

 Dean R. Cornstubble
 Research Chemical Engineer
 Research Triangle Institute (Pollution Prevention Program)
 Phone: 919-541-6813 (Fax, 7155)

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Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 13:18:25 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Dean R. Cornstubble" <[log in to unmask]>
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