Mail*Link(r) SMTP               FWD>DES: Specs for VME conduction cooling

Gary --

The VMEbus Spec handbook we have in our area is too old (1987) and doesn't
address the wedgelocks in the hardware chapter.

The address on the handbook refers to:

VMEbus International Trade Association
10229 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite E
Scottsdale, AZ 85253

Hope this is of some help,

Ralph Hersey
e-#004#mail:  [log in to unmask] 

Date: 5/21/96 2:05 PM
From: Gary Peterson
Can anyone point me to a drawing for the thermal path wedgelocks that are
used on conduction cooled VME boards?  They must be part of the card
cage assembly.  I'm told there is a VME spec. that describes the
whole assy.

Thanks in advance,

                                  Gary D. Peterson
    _/_/_/   _/    _/  _/        SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES     _/_/_/
   _/       _/_/  _/  _/        P.O. Box 5800, M/S 0503            _/_/
  _/_/_/   _/ _/ _/  _/        Albuquerque, NM 87185-0503     _/_/_/_/_/_/
     _/   _/  _/_/  _/        Phone: (505)844-6980           _/  _/_/  _/
_/_/_/   _/    _/  _/_/_/_/  FAX: (505)844-2925             _/  _/_/  _/
                            E-Mail: [log in to unmask]        _/_/_/

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Date: Tue, 21 May 96 14:22:41 MDT
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Subject: DES: Specs for VME conduction cooling wedgelocks
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