I have in the past poster details of my colour report on the effect of assembly
yields by different solder finishes. A couple of years back I was asked to
conduct a test programme to demonstrate the yield improvement with a flat
finish. This work also included solderability testing and the development of a
test for small solder pads.
The report is FREE its in colour and you can get a copy of the report from the
following contact:

Art Wolfrum
Shipley Company Inc
Tel: 001 508 481 7950
Fax: 001 508 229 0853

In the UK the contact for the report:

Phil Hunter
Shipley Europe
Tel: 01203 457203
Fax: 01203 440331

For your reference I am just completing a video on alternative solder finishes
their advantages and disadvantages, assembly yields, solderability testing
thickness assessment and how to get the best out of copper finishes. It will be
available in the near future from SMTA, Electrovert and me in the UK. Further
details can be provided if any one wants them.

There are some things about copper boards on my Process FAQ's on my Home Page if
you want to check it out.

Bob Willis
Home Page Http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/bwillis