OOPS--watch what you drink, Jerry.
From: Greaves, John B.
To: Crawford, John A.
Subject: RE: Almit solder
Date:  24 Jan 96 9:09AM

Jack,  I believe Jerry was interested in ethanol (not methanol) as he 
stated.  I believe this is a typo.  Methanol is wood alcohol.  Ethanol is 
grain alcohol.  (I think he is refering to a shot of scotch.)

     :   )         Johnny B.

From: TechNet-request
To: technet
Subject: re: Almit solder
Date:  23 Jan 96 9:46PM

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Date: Tue, 23 Jan 1996 21:46:27 -0600
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From: [log in to unmask] (Jerry Cupples)
Subject: re: Almit solder
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Excuse me for correcting myself, but I believe I mis-stated that Almit uses
fluorinated hydrocarbons in their flux. I meant to say fluorides. There
might be some sneaky hydrocarbons in there, but they probably aren't

This is all doubtlessly due to the brainwashing I have taken in the past
few years about CFC's, HCFC's, and other nasty old modified alkanes in the
trade press.

Now, let me get a hundred mls or so of oxygen dihydride with say, 20% by
vol. methanol from the northern British Isles, I'll be OK soon.


Jerry Cupples