Mail*Link(r) SMTP               FWD>FAB: Exhaust Air "filter"


The manufacturer of our etching equipment called the ventilation exhaust
"filters" a "demister" and they were available as an option when we bought the
equipment.  The "demister's" we bought have a 150 mm (6 inch) inside diameter
inlet and outlet duct size.  The demister is about 300 mm diameter by about
600 mm long.  The side of the demister has a removeable panel to remove the
internal filter, which is about 200 mm high and fills the inside diameter of
the demister chamber.  The filter material we use is polypropylene fiber and
is in the form of a 3-D web of randomly oriented fiber(s) forming a
sponge-like filter.

For us they have been reasonably effective, provided they are maintained.  We
use two of them, one for each of the inlet and outlet ventilation exhaust
hoods of the etch chamber. 

Ralph Hersey
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Date: 5/2/96 11:23 PM
From: Roland Jaquet
As anyone some experience with wet process machines air exhaust "filters"
that can reduce the amount of liquid being sucked from the horizontal
conveyorized machines as Acide etching machine, and the like.

While visiting IBM, Austin Tx. i have seen very simple kind of boxe
onto the exhaust pipe, with a kind of plastic nets inside, that are
trapping most of the humidity and therefore reducing excessive
rejects of chemicals in the air.

Anyone can supply me with those ?

Thank you.


Roland Jaquet         Technical Director
Henri Jaquet SA       PCB manufacturer
Geneva Switzerland    Prototypes and small qties
tel. xx41-22-794-7878 fx. xx41-22-794-3052
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Subject: FAB: Exhaust Air "filter"
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