Mail*Link(r) SMTP               FWD>Fab-Re: More nailheading


I'm glad somebody else remembered Bob's process for direct metalization of
holes during the drilling process.  I was thinking of Bob as I was writing my
(published) humor for the day.  As I recall though, the low temperature
fusible metal was placed on the bottom stack so it could be "pulled-up" the
drill flutes and roll over the helical edge of the drill and be "smeared" on
the hole wall -- just like we don't want resins to do.  Ralph

Date: 5/2/96 2:37 PM
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Other info on nailheading 


Other incidental on nailheading:  It is remembered that Bob Lomerson-ex Gen
Dynam-Ft. Worth  has a patent on a nail heading process wherein he imposed on
the top of the drill stack during drilling a layer of another foil and
nailheaded (smeared) it all the way through the the hole thus eliminating
electroless processing.

Phil Hinton  

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