IPC-SM-840C, section 3.4.4 states that clear, unpigmented masks are 
     acceptable, if the material has previously met all the requirements 
     detailed.  Section 3.4.1 gives the requirements for formulation 
     changes.  Changes in type of dye or pigment requires requalification.  
     Removing pigment may be considered cause for requalification.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re[2]: PCB Build - dendritic growth
Author:  [log in to unmask] at SMTP
Date:    4/23/96 3:14 PM

     We have found that when using LPI soldermasks the undercut can be 
     minimized by using clear or unpigmented soldermask!  All vendors can 
     supply the Fab house with this soldermask color.  Also in the latest 
     revision of the IPC-SM-840 (C) approves using clear or unpigmented 
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: PCB Build - dendritic growth
Author:  [log in to unmask] at corp
Date:    4/23/96 5:17 AM
The only time I have seen this problem was when the soldermask
om the board had undercut around pads.  The undercut trapped contaminates. 
We defined the defect as typeI and typeII.
TypeI : This type of soldermask undercut leaves a small path under
        the mask to a feature such as a pad.
TypeII : This type of soldermask undercut leaves a large path to a feature. 
The typeI is more serious in that it trapes more contaminates.
This pcb ran 10vdc @ 0.010' spacing and under humid conditions.  
We scrapped the boards.
John Laur (PCB Design)
Rockwell Automation
Allen-Bradley Co Inc.                 
1201 South Second Street
Milwaukee, WI 53204
+1 414 382 2162 (fax)
+1 414 382 2393 (phone)
[log in to unmask]
> From [log in to unmask] Mon Apr 22 15:38:59 1996 
> Resent-Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 15:28:09 -0700
> Resent-Sender: [log in to unmask] 
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> From: [log in to unmask]
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: PCB Build
> Resent-Message-Id: <"DuC9E1.0.MeB.Of-Un"@ipc> 
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> Content-Length: 487
> X-Lines: 16
> From:  Stephen Ayotte
> \\\\\\\EM Quality Engineering
> \\\\\\\Bldg. 14-3 Col F5 5-1537
> Subject: PCB Build
> Does anyone have any experience with the spacing between
> PTH lands and a power plane on the external to avoid/prevent 
> dendritic growth between the PTH and the power plane?
> The power plane is going to have 48 volts of applied bias. 
> The PTH could be ground or some other signal applied bias. 
> Thanks.
> **** IBM MD Product Quality Engineer**** 
> ****         OEM Quality Engineer   **** 