The only time I have seen this problem was when the soldermask
om the board had undercut around pads.  The undercut trapped contaminates.
We defined the defect as typeI and typeII.
TypeI : This type of soldermask undercut leaves a small path under
        the mask to a feature such as a pad.
TypeII : This type of soldermask undercut leaves a large path to a feature.
The typeI is more serious in that it trapes more contaminates.
This pcb ran 10vdc @ 0.010' spacing and under humid conditions.  
We scrapped the boards.

John Laur (PCB Design)
Rockwell Automation
Allen-Bradley Co Inc.                 
1201 South Second Street
Milwaukee, WI 53204
+1 414 382 2162 (fax)
+1 414 382 2393 (phone)

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> From [log in to unmask] Mon Apr 22 15:38:59 1996
> Resent-Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 15:28:09 -0700
> Resent-Sender: [log in to unmask]
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> From: [log in to unmask]
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: PCB Build
> Resent-Message-Id: <"DuC9E1.0.MeB.Of-Un"@ipc>
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> Content-Length: 487
> X-Lines: 16
> From:  Stephen Ayotte
> \\\\\\\EM Quality Engineering
> \\\\\\\Bldg. 14-3 Col F5 5-1537
> Subject: PCB Build
> Does anyone have any experience with the spacing between
> PTH lands and a power plane on the external to avoid/prevent
> dendritic growth between the PTH and the power plane?
> The power plane is going to have 48 volts of applied bias.
> The PTH could be ground or some other signal applied bias.
> Thanks.
> **** IBM MD Product Quality Engineer****
> ****         OEM Quality Engineer   ****