     If you are bonding to the rigid portion of a rigid-flex pwb, then 
     silicone RTV, with proper surface preparation of the PWB, should work. 
     RTV is compliant enough to prevent excessive stressing of the LED. Dow 
     Corning 3140 RTV, used in conjunction with the corresponding primer 
     (DC 1204 or 1205) as a pretreatment can be used.
     Contact Dow Corning At:
     *Authorized Distributor: 800-248-2481
     *Product Data Sheets by Fax: "Select A Fax", 800-443-2932, enter 
     literature code "17"
     Michael Alderete
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______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Adhesive query
Author:  [log in to unmask] at _internet
Date:    4/18/96 9:34 AM

I am trying to glue an LED to a piece of flex circuit board.  Could 
someone recomend an adhesive which bonds well to kapton film, so far I 
have not had much success.
Kevin Kirmse, PhD EE
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