
Take a look at the Allen-Bradley Co. home page @
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with electronics being one of them.

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I hope this is useful information.

John Laur (PCB Design)
Rockwell Automation
Allen-Bradley Co Inc.                 
1201 South Second Street
Milwaukee, WI 53204
+1 414 382 2162 (fax)
+1 414 382 2393 (phone)

[log in to unmask]

> From [log in to unmask] Wed Apr 17 20:52:10 1996
> Resent-Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 20:47:53 -0700
> Resent-Sender: [log in to unmask]
> Old-Return-Path: <[log in to unmask]>
> X-Sender: [log in to unmask]
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> To: "Vince, Harlan" <[log in to unmask]>
> From: [log in to unmask] (Jerry Cupples)
> Subject: Re: ASSY:  Vision/Inspection Equipment
> Cc: [log in to unmask]
> Resent-Message-Id: <"vbHLB3.0.KfH.ekNTn"@ipc>
> Resent-From: [log in to unmask]
> X-Mailing-List: <[log in to unmask]> archive/latest/3510
> X-Loop: [log in to unmask]
> Precedence: list
> Resent-Sender: [log in to unmask]
> X-Lines: 48
> Vince Harlan asked:
> >     I am looking for inspection equipment that can visually inspect a
> >     circuit card assembly for defects.  Major defects that I'm
> >     concerned with are:  Wrong part numbers, wrong polarity, and
> >     missing components.
> >
> >     I know there are many systems available but I am looking for a
> >     system that someone may have experience with that will do the
> >     job.
> I know that OMRON (Japanese OEM) makes one. We had one of these machines at
> Fujitsu imported for our use about 5 years ago. It was very impressive, and
> had advanced vison recognition to pick out missing, wrong and reversed,
> theoretically even solder shorts. Cost mid 6 figure range. Learned from a
> golden board. It was magazine load/unload conveyorized and we tried to use
> it in-line after reflow.
> Used to tell people it was like having a Learjet in your driveway.
> Impresses the hell out of the neighbors, but not very practical to get back
> and forth to work.
> It will also reject boards when it sees the ink on the parts change color,
> an IC changes its mold slightly, or for so many other things that change in
> slight ways that it became impractical to use. Too many false rejects was
> the main issue with it. I know that there is at least 1 US company (sorry I
> can't remember the name) selling such systems. Not sure whether OMRON is
> selling their machine in the US yet or not.
> It is a good technology, but like some advanced applications, borderline
> practical, IMO. You can pay two  ro three full time human operators for 5
> years for what that machine cost, plus it would require 50% effort from a
> tech to keep it going and additional programming effort. Maybe it has
> improved enough to be workable now, but I can't imagine a way around the
> problems we were having in 1991-2...
> good luck,
> Jerry Cupples
> Interphase Corporation
> Dallas, TX USA