Louis Hart, Compunetics, asked for contacts for Polar Instruments who 
manufactures a PC/MS DOS based controlled impedance measurement system.

     In the US:

     Polar Instruments, Inc.
     5373 Guide Meridan, Bldg
     Bellingham, WA   98226

     Tel 1-800-328-0817
     FAX 360-398-1946

     Att'n Robert Bosley

     Home Office in the U.K.

     Polar Instruments, Ltd
     Garenne Park
     St. Sampsons
     Gurnsey GY2 4AF
     Channel Islands, U.K.

     Tel 011-44-1481-53081
     FAX 011-44-1481-52476

     E-mail: [log in to unmask]

     Att'n Andy Burkhardt