Mail*Link(r) SMTP               FWD>RE>Can This Improvement to TechNet be

I set up a "special" address in my address book to technet, then I just do a

Ralph Hersey
Lawrence Livemore National Laboratory

Date: 3/29/96 4:26 PM
From: Schlice Dave

I try to use    [ReplyAll]   but I still don't believe that this does a 
broadcast reply to all.
>From: TechNet-request
>To: hadyle
>Cc: TechNet
>Subject: Can This Improvement to TechNet be Made?
>Date: Friday, 29 March, 1996 8:13AM
>I have recently subscribed to TechNet and have noticed that although
>many questions are asked I don't see all of the responses that I would
>When I use the "REPLY" function of email, the original TechNet
>submitter's  address (the question asker) appears on the
>(send reply) TO: line and not the TechNet (forum) address. I suspect
>that some responses never get on the TechNet forum because of this.
>Can't this be changed so that the mail sent out via the TechNet forum
>has the default "Reply TO" address of [log in to unmask] ?
>If this is not possible, please reiterate to all subscribers, "Send
>responses to [log in to unmask] and copy the original submitter.

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From: Schlice Dave <[log in to unmask]>
To: hadyle <[log in to unmask]>, TechNet-request <[log in to unmask]>
Cc: TechNet <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: RE: Can This Improvement to TechNet be Made?
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