Dr. Lott:

I am an Electrical Engineering student at Florida Atlantic University, in
Boca Raton, Florida, where I am presently taking a DFM class.  My class project
is a paper titled "DFM Considerations for Rigid PCBs in Medical Applications"
and I am currently looking for material on this topic.  

I am finding out that because DFM is a philosophy that encompasses things like 
DFT, DFF, DFA, DFS, and lately Design for the Environment (DFE), information
on any of these topics is scattered around.  I have found some
sources of information, mainly EDN and Printed Circuit Design magazines;
however, I didn't know of the existence of the IPC/EPA Design for the 
Environment (DfE) Project Technical Committee.  I am going to cover DFE because
the push for green PCBs is forcing designers to use new materials which
have different characteristics than they're used to - new materials are
also being developed.

- What is the IPC/EPA Design for the Environment (DfE) Project Technical 

- How do I obtain information about this effort?  Any related publications?

- Are there any online sources of information for DFE related issues?

- Does any one of the standards organizations, US and abroad, provide a 
reference DFE document or is this something that is left up to the individual 
companies to develop?  

- How do certification programs, like ISO 9000, affect DFE?

Any help or sources of info you or anyone else out there can provide will be 
greatly appreciated.

-- Jose'

P.S.  If there is enough interest I could post a compendium of references,
      Internet sites, and other materials after I finish my project.

 Jose' E. Korneluk                                        voice: 407.434.7749
 Florida Atlantic University
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 "Common sense is the LEAST COMMON of all the senses"   ...   Spanish proverb