
We have a concern that I think is common to every electronic assembly 
operation.  Basically, the question is, "Is it necessary to have 
veryone/anyone in the assembly area wearing smocks to protect static 
sensitive devices?".  

As a contract manufacturer, we have only one (potential) customer 
requiring that we have all associaties wear smocks on the production 
floor.  Also, as a contract manufacturer, it is obviously a marketing 
advantage to have the more professional look that smocks provide, but 
we want to be sure we're dealing with good science as well as good 

The new interactive video from IPC on ESD covers the use of smocks as 
something that may be used but is not required.  Also, some of our 
people have been in some very hi-test, Malcom Baldridge award winning 
electronic assembly plants lately where they do not use smocks.

Thank you in advance for your comments.

Leo Reynolds