Our company is looking at the use of plastic components  on
          a variety of hardware, primarily military and commercial
          avionics types of products.  We have setup a special project
          team that has studied the moisture
          sensitivity/baking/handling issues that arise when the use
          of PEM devices are incorporated on a design.  The team has
          written in detail, all the steps associated with the
          implementation of an "ideal/should be" ( zero percent risk)
          process.  This process addresses the identification of the
          moisture sensitivity level of the parts during the hardware
          design phase; identification/tracking labels and special
          pacakging notes on purchase orders during procurement;
          handling and re-packaging instructions for the Receiving
          Inspection and Stockrooms personnel; baking, usage, storage,
          tracking and equipment procedures for the Manufacturing
          Floor.  In short, the "ideal no risk approach".

          The implementation of a process with this type of
          complexity, dependent upon many inputs from various
          functional groups and component suppliers seems very
          difficult, if not impossible to control.  Additionally, the
          cost of implementatiion seems to out weigh the benifits
          associated with using cheaper parts in the first place.
          Also my limited contacts in the industry indicate that
          baking and controlling to this degree is not necessarily
          an accepted practice.  Some manufactures bake all parts
          (PEM's), some bake selectively and some (seems like a
          majority) do not bake at all. The only common thread, is
          that no one has experienced (or is willing to admit) the
          hardware failures associated with entrapped moisture.

          So my question is: Are the manufactures who bake, incurring
          unnecessary costs and are being overly conservative in their
          manufacturing process controls and addressing a non-problem?
          Or are those who don't bake, ignoring a real problem that
          will eventually catch up with them?

          Any opinions, statements of facts or fleeting thoughts on
          this topic would be greatly appreciated.

          Jim Weiss
          Harris Corp.