Mike, I would ditto Jerry Cupples remarks. However, I  have some additional 
concerns about possible blistering caused by moisture absorption over the 
years. Baking would help that, but baking can also increase any oxidation 

You definitely have a challenge on your hands.

Good luck

Charlie Barker
Input/Output, Inc.

To: TechNet @ ipc.org @ Internet
cc:  (bcc: Charles Barker/IO-US)
From: mcussen @ medar.com (Mike Cussen) @ Internet
Date: 03/15/96 07:38:03 AM
Subject: ASSY

 I have a six layer board (FR4) that has been setting on the shelf for three
 years, and not stored in  plastic bags. 
 What would be your recommendation to assure that these boards would solder 
 properly, when processed?

 Thanks In Advance
 Michael Cussen
 Medar Inc.