I am looking for guidelines for designing a wave soldering fixture 
to selectively solder thru-hole components.

The circuit board is double sided smt with thru-hole on the primary 
side.  We are currently reflowing both smt sides and manually 
soldering in the thru-hole.  We would like to selectively solder the 
thru-hole solder joints through wave.

The board is 0.062" thick with the tallest smt component on the bottom side 
being 0.080".

Questions that pop to my mind are:
1)  what material do I use as the barrier
2)  what minimum material thickness do I need to prevent material 
warpage over repeated heat cycles
3)  what minimum opening size is acceptable to allow solder to flow 
up to the circuit board
4)  would using the chip wave help

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Peter Wong
Axiom Electronics