Global Exchange of Technologies (GET) in Burke, VA represents a
repidly growing board shop in New Delhi, India which is currently
undergoing a major expansion and technology upgrade and is also in
the process of ISO 9002 certification.  This firm is looking for a
U.S. partner who could provide access to the U.S. (and world) market.
They would like a partner willing to make a modest capital
investment cum technology transfer to assist in the Indian firm's
current expansion project.  In return the U.S. partner firm would
receive the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a growing
electronics components manufacturing industry in India, (the lowest
cost Asian country which is not currently on the verge of a shooting
war and the chaos of a leadership transition), and source high
quality boards offshore at a very low cost.  

This firm's boards have been sold in the U.S. for about 140% of their
CIF cost, indicating a substantial price advantage resulting from
their production in a low wage area.   Please call GET at (703) 978-8966 for 
further information.

Robert Carr

>  Forward Header
>  Subject: Off Shore Fab Houses
> Author:  [log in to unmask] at Internet Date:    03/18/96 11:37 AM
> We are very interested in PCB Fabrication houses in Asia.  Please
> let me know how to obtain a list of houses asap.  We need
> high-volume, high-quality fab houses off shore.  Your assistance is
> greatly appreciated.  If you would like to contact us via phone,
> please call Frans Alkemade at Worldwide Turnkey Solutions
> 408/927-9256.  Thank you for your assistance.

Robert K. Carr, Consultant in Technology Transfer, 
Measurement and Evaluation, and International Technology.
Senior Associate, Global Exchange of Technologies
Voice (202) 333-0940; FAX (703) 978-8959
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