
Mitron Corporation sells software called CB/PQM which might meet your needs. 
 One of the outputs is a "board image showing the physical location of 
defects and the frequency of occurrences via a spectrum of colors".  For 
more information visit them at "" or contact them at 10795 SW 
Cascade Blvd., Portland, OR 97223, phone (503) 624-1776.

Jim Chilcote
Phoenix, AZ

From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
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Subject: Automated Defect Scatter Diagrams ?
Date: Friday, December 27, 1996 4:43PM

Anyone know of a way to automatically create defect data scatter diagrams?
I'm looking to have the defects "scattered" and plotted on the assembly
drawings to pictorially track defect locations and failure trends.  We have
100's of assemblies and our customer is asking for this data and we don't
want to generate this by hand.

We have gerber data with reference designators with x-y coordinates and we 
have assembly drawing files and we have a test (ICT & FT) failures database
by reference designators.
Thanks for any ideas, suggests, or help!

Ron Richardson
Ron Richardson                              Voice: 408-957-2779
NPI Pgm Mgr                                 Pager: 408-725-6679
Solectron Corporation           Email: [log in to unmask]

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