The concept of a cooperative "model shop" is certainly not new in the printed
circuit industry.  So far, only a "virtual" model shop exists thru the
Interconnection Technology Research Institute (ITRI)  organization under IPC
sponsorship.  I suggest you contact:

Marshall Andrews or Jack Fisher
2535 Brockton Drive, Suite 100
Austin, Texas  78758-4411
Phone 512-833-9930
Fax 512-833-9925

ITRI's home page is at

Also, a process demonstration organization has been formed in Dayton, Ohio at
the old Mound Laboratory of the Department of Energy.  The name is Technology
Institute for Manufacturing Electronics (T.I.M.E.)    Contact is Jim Martin.

P.O. Box 247
Miamisburg, Ohio 45343-0247
Phone 513-865-3549
Fax 513-435-7698

Say, who are you, "[log in to unmask]" ?

Denny Fritz
MacDermid - Waterbury

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