
Basically, this boils down to 2 issues : what the user really want/must have 
and what your HASL machine can give.

So, pls consider the following suggestions :
a) where is the point of measurement - center of pad, crest of solder, XX% 
from pad edges, etc..
b) what MUST be measured, should be measured, nice to be measured, nice to 
have, etc..
c) what are the user's conditions like - long storage, multi-reflows, board 
make-up and density, etc..

With one HASL setting, there will alway be compromise. Generally, we 
measured both 'large' areas (eg: PLCC, gnd, ....) and 'small' pads (QFBs, ...
.). Solder basically will range from 70 - 1000 umil, so getting 90-100 on 
larger areas is pretty impossible all the time (unless you turn off the air !
). Small pads, on the other hand, hit above 100-200-300 easily but may tend 
towards the higher end which can be a concern with customers. However, 1000 
umil should be a very comfortable limit (BUT.....there didn't seems an end 
to this issue).

Likewises, I would be happy to heard from anyone on HASL woes & fixes, 
realistic specs., etc...

Season Greetings to you and all.
Joseph Yip
To: [log in to unmask]@INTERNET
From: [log in to unmask]@INTERNET on Mon, Dec 23, 1996 11:42 PM
Subject: HASL Surface Tolerence

Can anyone tell me what is the specs for the surface of pads after
HASL. I know that it will not be perfectly flat but what is the spec.
Merry Xmas to all
Mike Lopez

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