Your bound to get a very wide variety of responses to your latest message on
your open/short problem.  Even the details that you've given us so far aren't
a lot to go on, but the thing that does stand out is your stripping of
outerlayers in NaOH.  There might be some "TechNeters" out there who will
disagree with me but..... I strongly recommend stripping your outerlayers
with an proprietary resist stripper.  In some cases stripping innerlayers
with caustic, however, caustic is very inefficient at stripping under the
over plated circuit areas, especially where there is tight spacing.  Where
caustic only breaks the bond of the resist to the copper, the proprietary
stripper will break the resist into smaller particles to remove the entrapped

Assuming your laminating resist over electroless copper, you may want to try
other methods of cleaning such as a non-etching acid clean.  Mechanical
scrubbing can be a bit harsh on such a thin layer of copper.

You may want to give more details about your "slow lamination".

Good Luck.


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