In the past, I have sent back old solder paste to our bar solder supplier with
our dross.  I got rid of old paste, didn't have to worry about scrapping
hazardous materials and they paid us for the "scrap" metal.
Just a thought.

K McCoy - 
Rockwell Automation/Allen-Bradley

From: ddhillma on Thu, Dec 12, 1996 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: Assy: Solder Paste in Wave Solder Pots...
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: [log in to unmask]

     Hi Steve -
     Well, your wave solder pot will get pretty messy, definitely smell 
     bad/different for a period of time and you will generate quite a bit 
     of excess dross but I believe that as long as the solder alloy 
     originally met the ANSIJ-STD-006 specification requirements you won't 
     introduce any metallic type contamination that would cause you solder 
     joint reliability concerns. Have fun(??), wear a mask, and let us know 
     what happens.
     Dave Hillman
     Rockwell Collins
     [log in to unmask]

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Assy: Solder Paste in Wave Solder Pots...
Author:  [log in to unmask] at ccmgw1
Date:    12/12/96 3:42 PM

Good day all!
    This might seem like a pretty dumb question, but I was wondering if
anything wrong with putting old solder paste in yer' wave solder pot? I was 
feeling bored the other day, so I cleaned out our solder paste 'fridge, and
got some jars of a bunch of different samples of no-cleans and water solubles 
that were played around with in the past, and I just want to get rid of them 
before an operator grabs one and uses it. They're all the same alloy (63/37)
there are different flux types. We're in a water soluble process now, and we 
don't build missile guidance systems, just class-II stuff.
    I wouldn't think it would hurt anything, but I don't wanna' do it if
something I'm not thinking about and I wind-up contaminating the pot
(BOY, the operations boss would have my "keester"!!!) 
    Any problems with doing that? I mean with adding old paste to the solder 
pot? NOT with kicking my keester if I contaminated the solder pot...heck, I 
would kick my OWN keester if I did that...heh,heh...
                                      .  / ^  _ \  .
                                      |\| (o)(o) |/|
                            #        Steve Gregory          #
                            #  [log in to unmask]    #
                            #                               #
                                      .oooO  (   )
                                      (   )   ) /
                                       \ (   (_/
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