Hey there!

     This sounds like something along the lines of the "Good Times Virus" a 
while back...which was nothing but a hoax. I've got a very good book written by 
Clay Shirky who is the Vice President of the Society for Electronic Access, an 
activist organization concerned with civil liberties in the information age. The
book is titled: "The INTERNET by E-Mail" (it's VERY, VERY good) and you can find
it in Barnes and Noble, Crown Books, or just about any of the major chain 
bookstores. But in the chapter on viruses, I quote:

"The most important thing to remember about viruses is this: Your computer can't
get a virus from a text file. All computer viruses are software. If you never 
retrieve a computer program from the 'NET, your computer will NEVER get a virus 
from the 'NET. This means that when you participate in mailing lists and 
newsgroups, look for email addresses and file names, and retrieve text files, 
you are safe from viruses..."

     It goes on a little more talking about making sure you scan any downloaded 
programs and floppies before running them, but that's the REAL poop on this 
silly email...somebody is just REAL bored that's all, and got 'nuthin better to 

                                        .  / ^  _ \  .
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                              #        Steve Gregory          #
                              #  [log in to unmask]    #
                              #                               #
                                        .oooO  (   )
                                        (   )   ) /
                                         \ (   (_/

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