Regarding silicone coating rework:
     First I assume that you are mechanically removing the coating in the 
     affected area and not burning through to repair. Sufficient material 
     must be removed to allow cleaning of the solder pad without 
     recontaminating the solvent by contact with coating remaining on the 
     Cleaning solvents by effectiveness: 1. Toluene 2. xylene 3. benzene 4. 
     Lightly moisten a swab with solvent and wipe the area once, in one 
     direction only. Do not allow solvent to puddle or contact surrounding 
     coating. Repeat this more times than you think necessary. Follow this 
     with a light IPA cleaning, using the above procedure. Don't reuse 
     Good luck!

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Rework after conformal coating
Author:  [log in to unmask] at internet
Date:    3/5/96 4:27 PM

     Anybody have any technical info/references/articles, etc.. on the 
     effect of solderability during a rework operation to a joint that was 
     previously conformally coated with a silicone-based coat. Specifically 
     what are some of the problems that may be encountered with residual 
     silicone and it's effect on solderability ?