Surface preparation has a significant impact on Soldermask 
     adhesion.If you are using a microetch pre-clean check your 
     anti-tarnish tank for algae or organic scum sticking to the sides. If 
     so ,try a weekly flush out with bleach and sodium hydroxide.
        Also, a short vacuum bake after clean and prior to masking may help 
     [log in to unmask]   

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Soldermask peeling
Author:  [log in to unmask] at CCGATE
Date:    12/9/96 5:40 AM

     We recently experienced soldermask peeling after wave from 
     three different Fabricators all within 2 weeks. Subsequently 
     we took sample lots of each Fabricator and performed a 
     pre-wave and post-wave tape test. In all lots the boards 
     passed pre-wave tape test but had a 10-25% failure post wave. 
     What can cause this phenomena? Does the weather change have 
     anything to do with soldermask application and durability?
     Dan Hickey
     Senior Buyer
     [log in to unmask]
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