Mail*Link(r) SMTP               FWD>FAB- (table cleanup) E-GLASS VS. S-GLASS

Technet receipients -- as I read my received copy of the FAB-E-GLASS VS
I saw a gross formatting problem between what I sent and what I received back
from technet.  What I've done is to add underscore place holders (______) in
place of spaces in the table of characteristics.  (Off line I'll check to see
where the cockpit problem is, I might have been using a porportional or
variable pitch character font.)

Date: 3/1/96 10:27 AM
From: Ralph Hersey
                      Subject:                              Time:  9:02 AM
  OFFICE MEMO         FAB: E-GLASS VS. S-GLASS              Date:  3/1/96

Jim Marsico, [log in to unmask], queried about the differences between E-glass
and S-glass fabrics as follows:

The following are some of the properties:

_____________________________ Glass type
Tensile, lb/sqin__|___500 k__|__600+ k__|__300+ k__|
TCE ppm/deg F_____|____2.8___|____1.6___|___1.7____|
Dk @ 10 MHz_______|___~6.1___|___~5.2___|____~4____|
Df @ 10 MHz_______|__~0.004__|__~0.007__|__~0.003__|

Ralph Hersey, [log in to unmask]