
	Good to hear your endorsement of the IPC land patterns.  We have
	found good acceptance of them in the general assembly community.

	I'm always glad to hear of "paths to higher yield".  Given your
	testimonial I'd be curious to hear more specifically how you've
	implemented the spec, though.  In your interpretation of IPC 782
	(I assume it's rev A), do you use the nominal values presented or
	do you envelope broader tolerances?  Perhaps you start with the
	nominals and adjust for your process within the broader tolerances?

	I have found this particular version to be a bit subject to the
	user.  Nominal values are aggressive compared to factory specific
	specs that we also support, while the full envelope presented is
	too conservative for complex products.  Is your interpretation
	part of your success?

	Long live TechNet!

	Jeff Seeger				Applied CAD Knowlege Inc
	Chief Technical Officer			      Tyngsboro MA 01879
	[log in to unmask]				    508 649 9800