From: Yuen, Michael
To: 'Technet'
Subject: FW: Stencil Printing Adhesive (for bottom side SMT)
Date: Wednesday, February 28, 1996 8:20AM
Priority: High

Yes. I have had some success in the past working with a lactate adhesive. 
Major problem Included clean up and curing in the stencil apertures. Since 
January I have been working with MPM Corp. They have done a lot of work and 
research into printing adhesives. I feel they have solved the major problems 
I experienced with adhesives. Currently I am starting on some new adhesive 
process. The material I will be using is from Grace Specialty Polymers 
called Amicon D 125 f 5. Printer parameters are similar to that of printing 

Rosenthal, Ed
Process Engineer
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From: TechNet-request
To: TechNet
Subject: Stencil Printing Adhesive (for bottom side SMT)
Date: Tuesday, February 27, 1996 3:14PM

     To Whom It May Concern:

     Has anyone had any experience stencil printing adhesive for bottom
     side chip components in a medium to high volume facility?  We are
     looking at some very large quantities of chip components on the bottom
     side of the boards and the present dispensing equipment will not be
     able to keep up with the component placement rate.

     If so:  what is a recommended adhesive formulation?
     what are some recommended squeegee print speed and pressures?
      what are associated areas of risk stencil printing adhesive?

        Thank you for your time and consideration.


     Kevin Frasier