We have several designs of motherboards that use buried resisters for 
pull-up impedance, thus eliminating the need for resister packs or including 
this requirement on already densely populated card assemblies.  We have 
realized benefits of increased I/O support and realized reduced cabinet 
sizes with this technique.  The reduced cabinet size benefits weight, cost, 
natural frequency, and cooling.

These are all positives and there are a few drawbacks related to the 
supplier base.  Several manufactures realize the cares needed and are doing 
a great job.

Kevin Thorson,
Loral Defense Systems - Eagan
From: TechNet-request
To: Technet
Subject: Buried Resistors
Date: Tuesday, February 27, 1996 4:09PM

My company is investigating building buried resistors into multilayer PCB's. 

Is there a demand for PCB's containing buried resistors to be produced in
volume?  What type of technologies are contained on these boards
(line/space, BGA, buried via's, etc.)
Are there any shops currently producing them in volume?
