We have a nitrogen storage cabinet for storage of moisture susceptible 
packages when they are required to be stored on the production floor for 
extended periods of time.  A sealed package is not opened until needed for 

Baking is difficult because the parts cannot be baked in the tape/reel or 
the matrix trays due to solderability concerns.  The nitrogen storage 
cabinet can also be used to remove moisture from parts(if stored 
improperly), but this takes several weeks.
Original Text
From: C=US/A=INTERNET/DDA=ID/TechNet-request(a)ipc.ipc.org, on 11/8/96 
11:36 PM:
     What is the proper storage of SMT ICs;  are there any guidelines or 
     standards to use?  If moisture absorption is a problem with plastic 
     parts, is the standard practice to bake assemblies or parts prior to 
     reflow?  What are the baking requirements?  
      Our in-house stores personnel won't break down the sealed outer packs 
      as supplied by the IC manufacturers (they'll issue ICs in quantities 
     as supplied by the IC manufacturers, approx.  100 or 200 parts each).  
     As a result we have opened partial packs of parts remaining in the 
     manufacturing area.  Thanks.

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