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From: Candice Leighton <[log in to unmask]>

Hi TechNetters,

I've heard the "P" in Mil-P-13949 has changed to "S" and the 
current revision is "H".

Can anyone confirm this?  

Does anyone know when this happened and why?

Any help would be appreciated!

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	MIL-S-13949H superceded MIL-P-13949G 0n 31 March, 1993. As near
as I can tell the P to S change was because the title changed from (Plastic
Sheet?) to Sheet, Printed Wiring Board. Hope this helps. Regards to all ...

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Michael L. (Mike) Holmes
Charter Member, Space Coast Chapter, IPC Designers Council

				MS 1-5850
Designer 3			Harris Corporation
PWB Design Group		Government Communications Systems Division
Digital and Electronic		2400 NE Palm Bay Road
Packaging Section		Palm Bay, FL 32905

Phone	407 727-4356		Fax	407 729-1613
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