Jeffery Harry,  would you please expand on the "major problems" you 
     have seen by running Entek 106 in a dip mode.
     Peter Blokhuis
     PC World
     [log in to unmask]
     If you use Entec 106, make sure that the PCB supplier has an in-line 
     process.  Dip tanks will cause major problems.  Also the PCBS need to 
     be thoroughly dried before packaging.  If not, you will have 
     solderability problems.
     Jeffrey_Harry @ ugate 
     ----- Previous Message 
     To: Technet  @ @ UGATE
     From: EHolton @ @ UGATE    Date: Thursday  October 31, 
     1996 02:40 PM Subject: OSP Coating
     ---------- ------------------------------
     Fellow technetters:
     My company is beginning its research into the wonderful world of 
     organic solderability preservative coatings.  Our goal being to 
     implement this on the circuit boards in the near future.  I am looking 
     for any and all information that anyone may have....

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