----- Begin Included Message -----

From: jseeger <[log in to unmask]>

      The weak link from my perspective is closing the loop on netlist
      comparison.  Until the IPC-D-356 netlist can be used in positive
      verification of output file content, we can't trust *any* output
      software *fully*.  But this is another thread, and look out if
      I get started on this one.  Suffice to say we at Applied CAD are
      working diligently at closing this loop inside our system, and
      when that happens it will allow new versions of software or other
      output standards to be qualified properly.

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	We are having very good luck with the IPC-D-356 net lists which
we extract from our Allegro databases using the ALG2IPC356, RELEASE 1.0,
(c) COPYRIGHT 1996 available from CONQUEST TECHNOLOGY. Our suppliers like
it and their test houses like it too. So far it's use has uncovered design
errors in three PWB designs. Best regards to all ...

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Michael L. (Mike) Holmes
Charter Member, Space Coast Chapter, IPC Designers Council

				MS 1-5850
Designer 3			Harris Corporation
PWB Design Group		Government Communications Systems Division
Digital and Electronic		2400 NE Palm Bay Road
Packaging Section		Palm Bay, FL 32905

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