Alcatel SEL AG Standort Nuernberg
                           Elektronische Post (MM1)

                                        Datum:    04.Nov.1996 15:30 GMT 
                                        Von:      Johann Novotny
                                        Abt.:     BEN/PMM
                                        Telefon:  +49 911 4230-517

        AN:  _SMTP%"""[log in to unmask]"""

        CC:  Stefan Lvwe                          ( LOEWE )
        CC:  Hermine Feiler                       ( FEILER )

        Betr.:  DES/FAB:Simulation data translation

We are a company designing and producing MultiChipModules We are part of
ALCATEL, located in Nuremberg in Germany. 
For a specific project we need a translation of simulation data of a simulator
"LASAR" into the data format which is understood by our standard test equipment
"IMS". As this is not a frequent application for us we would like to avoid
buying the necessary software TSD from Summit Design Inc., Beaverton now. 
Does anybody offer the task with TSD software as a service ?
Johann Novotny, Product Manager MCM.

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