If you use Entec 106, make sure that the PCB supplier has an in-line process.  
Dip tanks will cause major problems.  Also the PCBS need to be thoroughly dried 
before packaging.  If not, you will have solderability problems.

Jeffrey_Harry @ 3mail.3com.com@ ugate 

----- Previous Message ---------------------------------------------------- 

To: Technet  @ ipc.org @ UGATE
From: EHolton @ vines.etn.com @ UGATE    
Date: Thursday  October 31, 1996 02:40 PM
Subject: OSP Coating
Fellow technetters:

My company is beginning its research into the wonderful world of organic 
solderability preservative coatings.  Our goal being to implement this on 
the circuit boards in the near future.  I am looking for any and all 
information that anyone may have(I have a pile of articles 12" high) with 
use in production.  I am especially interested in:
 What type of coating is on the board
 Number of heat excursions you have and does the coating live up to its 
published cycles
 Special handling procedures(operators)  Board storage, time in 
 How you flux/profile/anything you did to get the topside fillet
 Use of nitrogen?
 Have you had solderability problems and how were they handled
 Do you specify board cleanliness, coating brand, thickness on the 
print and how is it                  verified.
 Thru-hole components scrap the inside of the barrel when inserted, any 
problems here with   soldering 
 Any special tricks done at the wavesolder
Any and all information is appreciated


Ed Holton
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