---------------------------- Forwarded with Changes
From: Andrew P Magee
Date: 10/21/96 12:11PM
To: Mary E. Kennedy
Subject: Abstract
     Our flex analysis software is now available for download at:

     Flex circuits respond to physical forces in relatively
     ways based on the materials used, the thickness of each layer,
     the environmental conditions. The well-established "art" of flex

     circuit design and manufacture allows most flex applications to
     successful without understanding the details of these
     As flex circuits are increasingly used for applications that
     the technology envelope the old rules can sometimes be
     to insure success. With modern CAD/FEA software a complete
     is possible, but this can be expensive and time consuming, and 
     typically requires a great deal of skill to achieve accurate 
     With some simplifying assumptions it's possible to sufficiently 
     estimate the physical behavior of typical flex circuits by 
     evaluating the relevant equations. To facilitate completing this

     analysis a desktop computer program implementing these equations
     offered. The program allows for various constructions to be
     assessed and produces both numeric and graphical results for 
     comparison. Equations for computing; the neutral axis, moment of

     inertia, deflection (bias) force, layer stress/strain, heat
     thermal/hygroscopic stress/strain, and thermal/hygroscopic 
     expansion are evaluated in this program.
     An additional program is included to aid in determining the 
     coversheet adhesive thickness after lamination to an etched
     pattern, based on adhesive volume.
     Andy Magee - Applications Engineer
     Rogers - Circuit Materials
     Tel: (602) 917-5237
     Fax: (602) 917-5256
     E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
     Website: http//www.rogers-corp.com/cmu
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