RE>DES: Punched via                          10/31/96

There are a couple of punch houses in the US that my former company used for
punching vias. The punched material was Kapton film, Duroid and LCP in
thicknesses of 2-10 mils and the holes ranged from 2-6 mils. Design
guidelines? Probably none except for specific aspplications.

The company that provided this service for us was:
Nanticoke, Pa.

Hope this helps you.

Bill Watson
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Date: 10/31/96 8:13 AM
To: Bill Watson
I read an article today and came across "Punched Vias"......
Has anyone come across the Punched vias technology?  Where is this technology 
commonly used?  What are the design guidelines, I mean the annular ring and
small achievable mass-production holesize?  And what are they limitations?

Appreciate any information.

Stella Yap

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