George Franck Jr wrote:

> Layer 1 and layer 2 both have separate, and sometimes
> different aperture lists in X-Gerber (RS-274X).

This is not the way my RS-274-X converter works.  In fact, I
have never heard of separate apertures for different gerbers
(on the same board).  I would not tolerate this multiple
aperture confusion regardless of whether I was using RS-274-D
or RS-274-X.

This is NOT a problem with the standard of RS-274-X itself, 
but rather just a poor implementation.  Do not let this 
reflect negatively on using RS-274-X.

Please tell us the name of the software package that creates 
this problem so we can all avoid it.

Thank you and have a FANTASTIC day!

Kevin L. Seaman (714) 221-4752
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