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Subject: FAB: Post-Lam Bake
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     What is a typical cycle for baking FR4, rigid, multilayers after 
     Why is this bake necessary?
     Any information would be greatly appreciated.

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======== Fwd by: Tony King / N ========
Bake is not standard and not required for FR-4 after lamination, I have seen
companies bake at that stage, but usually to make up for non-standard issues
like incomplete cure in the press or post lamination stress relief to
minimize warpage, or when vacuum lamination is not used.  Some people have
baked after drill thinking that etch back/desmear is improved.

Some laminates have a very long press cycle (cyanate ester for example), a
post lamination bake is often used to minimize time in a press when press
capacity is a problem.

If baking is required,  the cycle used depends on the reason for the bake. 
It is difficult to specify one bake cycle to meet the variety of different
reasons. If you have specifics, call me and I would be happy to discuss it.

Tony King
Elexsys International Inc.
Nashua N.H.
Phone: 603-886-0066  Fax: 603-886-9724
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