>From the EMPF HelpLine, prepared by John Guy:
"We at the EMPF have done some work with the manufacturing of surface
mount assemblies using conductive epoxies.  I would be more than happy to
talk to you about our work and the results we saw.  You can contact me at:
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Phone: 317 226-5630
FAX: 317 226-5615
        In short, we saw that the conductive adhesives we looked at did very
well with the chip caps, and we were using components with a tin/lead 
finish.  I'm sure you would be better off with the gold finish, unless that
finish is too smooth.  The adhesives will hold better to a rough, clean
surface.  If you can make yourself think in terms of bonding metals with
adhesives, instead of soldering them, you will be much better off in the 
From: TechNet-request
To: technet; msampson
Subject: Conductive Epoxy w/ Solder Term. Chip Caps
Date:  21 Feb 96 10:16AM

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Resent-Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 09:42:48 -0800
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Date: Wed, 21 Feb 96 10:16:24 EST
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Subject: Conductive Epoxy w/ Solder Term. Chip Caps
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     We are looking for information from anyone with experience using
     silver loaded conductive epoxy to mount solder terminated chip
     capacitors.  Does it work?  Any pitfalls?  Lessons learned?

     We are having difficulty obtaining chip caps of the quality level we
     want with gold terminations.  These chips caps will be mounted in a
     hybrid which is intended for space flight use.  The hybrid
     manufacturer intends to silver epoxy mount these parts and we are not
     sure what our best option is.

     Any information you may have is greatly appreciated.


     Jay Brusse
     Unisys Corporation at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
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