In a message dated 96-10-22 19:08:52 EDT, you write:

<<  Two questions:
      1.  I would like a direct contact at IPC on J-Standards and possibly a 
          list of available J-Standards.  There are several questions I have 
          regarding these standards.
      2.  I would also like a list of standards available from Bellcore.  
          TR-NWT-000078 (which is in revision) references many of these      
          subset specifications.
Two Answers.

J-STandards in general - David Bergman ([log in to unmask]) or Doug Sandvick
([log in to unmask])

J-STD-001:  Jerry Rosser, Hughes Aircraft
J-STD-002 and -003:  Dave Rockwell, Hillman International or Dave Hillman at
Rockwell International (interchangeable)
J-STD-004:  Laura Turbini, Georgia Tech
J-STD-005: Norb Socolowski, Socolowski Consulting
J-STD-006:  Hugh Russell, Defense General Supply Center

You might find a catalog of Bellcore documents on their web page, which also
has the draft of the TR-78 documents.  URL  The
GR-78 document is at:

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