               Since many of my brethren have already thrown in their
          two cents on this topic (I think we're up over a dollar!), I
          thought I would share a few words about where HADCO is on
          mass via formation.  I fully understand that we are not on
          the Technet to sell our companies, but there may be many of
          you out there who are toying with the idea of designing
          mass microvias.  Having read the information from some of
          the competition, here is where HADCO is.  Because of our
          diverse customer base of over 500, we have decided to go in
          multiple directions to get all of the bases covered.

          PLASMA ETCH:  HADCO is one of (3) stateside licensees of the
          Dyconex process.  The others are Merix, and Continental
          Circuits in Arizona.  We plan on working together to develop
          design guides.  Merix gave an excellent overview of this
          process at SMI recently.

          PID (Photoimageable Dielectric):  HADCO has already produced
          boards using this process.  We have worked with a few
          suppliers of this material.  It is similar to the LPI mask
          systems that already exist.  I am aware of one other US shop
          (Continental in FL.) that has gone in this direction.

          LASER:  HADCO will soon be getting in some laser equipment
          for mass microvia formation (end of calendar year).  Zycon
          has already done an adequate job of discussing this process
          on the Technet.

          IBM/SLC:  HADCO is investigating purchasing the licensing
          agreement for this process.  I am not too familiar with this
          process, but I believe it is similar to PID, but is dry film
          instead of liquid.

               HADCO would be happy to talk with any existing or
          potential customer concerning these processes and our
          offerings.  Please contact me off-line <[log in to unmask]>,
          and I will make sure that the appropriate person gets in
          touch with you to discuss things further.  Once again, I
          apologize if anyone thinks this is a "self-sell", but the
          horse was already out of the barn, and I felt obligated to
          inform you of where HADCO is concerning mass microvia
          formation.  There are several possible routes you might want
          to follow, and I believe that HADCO has all the bases
          covered.  Thanks for your time.
          Tom Coyle
          Field Services Engineer
          HADCO Corporation

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