Typically BURNT copper would NOT be acceptable due to the fact that 
     tensile strength, elongation, and ductility will be severly 
     Alan B. Cochrane
     Multek Inc.

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Subject: FAB, ASSY:  "Copper Burning" during plating
Author:  [log in to unmask] at INTERNET_GATEWAY
Date:    10/21/96 10:54 AM

This morning, I was looking at some boards that had pads covered with 
copper bumps, blisters, pimples, or whatever you want to call them.  I've 
been told this was a product of copper "burning", resulting when boards 
are plated with current too high.  Is this burnt copper unacceptable?  I 
didn't see any pictures in IPC-A-600 to suggest it wasn't, but don't like 
the looks of the plating.  Any comments?  Thoughts from assemblers would 
be welcome, too.
Lou Hart 
Compunetics Quality Assurance
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