On Mon, 14 Oct 96 12:51 WET DST Seth Tompkins <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>To whom it may concern,
>I currently trying to find out large volume printed wiring board 
>and assemblers in certain geographic areas for a research project.  A 
>in Florida suggested that I write to you saying, "technet knows all 
>that kind of stuff!"  So...here I am.
>If you would be so kind, I would love to find out who fabricates large
>volumes of printed wiring boards using surface mount technology in the
>states of Florida, Massachusettes, California, and Texas.
>I really appreciate all of your help!
>Seth Tompkins

We use South Bay Circuits in California, I cant give you an answer for
the volume but give them a call
the number is (408)-978-8992 and ask for Randy Langston, tell Scott
Decker sent you...
NO he won't hang-up..

Scott Decker
Electronics Designer
AKA: PadMasterson
Ext. 322

Hamilton Company
Reno, NV.
Ph. (702)-858-3000
FAX. (702)-856-7259

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