expect problems only if you use a rosin based paste and water from the 
     flux comes in direct contact with rosin. 
     Do not use liquid "no-clean" at hand solder unless it is RMA. Most no 
     cleans are no clean due to evaporation of all ingredients at the wave. 
     If this does not happen, expect field problems unless the panels are 
     You are looking for a specific paste/flux reaction.
     Aric parr
     [log in to unmask]

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Subj:  Flux Compatibility Questions
Author:  [log in to unmask] at internet
Date:    10/10/96 1:25 PM

     Those of you using a no-clean/low-residue soldering solution 
     in your manufacturing operations, I have some questions 
     concerning flux compatibility.
     What problems have you encountered between no-clean paste, 
     liquid flux at wave solder and benchtop soldering no-clean 
     flux(hand soldering)?  I am strongly considering a water 
     based no-clean for wave solder to try to reduce VOCs 
     contribution at this facility.  Will this direction limit 
     the flexibility of the SMD area to choose their no-clean 
     paste, or, perhaps the hand soldering side be limited in 
     their flux selection?  I would appreciate some feedback and 
     thanks in advance.
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