Long Island Chapter of the IPC Designers Council

MEETING NOTICE - Tuesday, OCT 22, 1996, will be by RSVP

The Long Island Chapter of the IPC Designers Council held it's second in a series
of 3 meetings on High Speed printed circuit board design. The series is planned to
inform designers, how and why "High Speed Electronics" is or will be a part of our
lives. If you are not knowledgeable at this point, we are sure the technology will
become something you must learn in the very near future. 

Members of our Council presented a basic overview and introduced our two guest speakers.
Charlie Houck of "Cooper and Chyan Technology, Inc", and Tom Buck of "Advanced Interconnection
Technology, Inc." each made a very interesting and informative presentation.

The third meeting will be Tuesday evening, Oct. 22th., 6PM at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Steve Kjellman from "Trend Circuits" which is now a part of "Praegitzer Industries, Inc."
will talk about High Speed Design from a board manufacturers viewpoint.
Bill Gillespie from our Council will continue to define areas we must know as Designers.
Our Council members and guests should gain a better understanding of what we need to know
in order to stay up to date. 

For additional information please contact;

Ron Ryan, President
Brookhaven National Laboratory
(516) 344-6068
e-mail; [log in to unmask]

Ed Tordahl, Membership Director
Fiber Options
(516) 567-8320
e-mail; [log in to unmask]

Mary Sackett, Secretary
Symbol Technologies
(516) 738-4133
e-mail; [log in to unmask]

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